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Fire Retardant Poplar Plywood

The fire retardant poplar plywood is available in a wide range of thicknesses. The panels consist of peeled sheets homogeneously impregnated with flame retardant substances free of chlorine which, in case of fire, decompose by inhibiting the development and propagation of the flame and determining its self-extinguishing.


Dimensions 252 X 187 | 252 X 122 CM

Thicknesses 10 | 15 | 18 | 20 | 25 | 30 MM

Fiano Romano

Materiali Arredo Legnami Edilizia

Certificazione FSC Icol
I prodotti certificati FSC® sono disponibili su richiesta.

I.CO.L. srl

P.I. 00954441002 - C.F. 01033830587 - C.C.I.A.A. 378091

C.S. € 2.000.000,00 I.V.


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Certificazione PEFC Icol
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